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my ten month old great dane (echo)

20 9:01:03

my ten month old great dane is ten months and 2 wks old he weighs 59kg he eats science diet natures best he was on 3 meals a day up untill last week he is now on 2 meals a day he has 6 cups of food a day he has fish oil daily and one thousand ml glousousomine tablet am i doing every thing right and is he underweight yours jane jacobson

I would switch him to a different dog food if I were you. Science Diet is not the best food out there and you could be feeding alot less food for about the same price per bag or less if you switched to a food like Canidae. Feeding 2x daily is fine for that age and I think 59kg(129lbs)is a fine weight for a 10 month old.Hard to say for sure without seeing him though. Visit and they have pictures on what a well fed dog should look like.