Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > Puppie


20 8:59:46


Our puppy is 4 months old, 40 lbs, and has a lot of energy. The lady we bought him from didn't have any paperwork on him. She told us what the parents were suppose to be, but it's hard to believe. Could you look at his picture and give your suggestions. We are sure he is a mutt, but figured we'd see what a couple of experts told us. Picture is when he was 17 weeks


From the angle of this picture I cannot tell you whether or not this is a pure bred Dane, I am assuming that is what you are asking me. I would need more pictures, from both sides as well as from the rear.

Does he have an under bite? It is hard to tell in the pictures but looking at his muzzle it looks like you can almost see his teeth coming out from under his top lip.

If you can send me some more pictures I could help you more. His face looks "danish" but not necessarily well bred, or could be mixed. Like I said, it is hard to tell from just one picture.