Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > 10 week old puppy underwieght and not eating enough

10 week old puppy underwieght and not eating enough

20 8:59:40

I have a 10 week old male Great Dane who is only 20 lbs. I am feeding him dry
food that the breeder was feeding him but he will only pick at it and maybe eat
1-2 cups of food a day. I have tried mixing it with warm water and canned food.
Sometimes he will eat everything and other times he will just pick out the
canned food. Do you have any suggestions to get him to eat? thanks


If he is picking at the food and is not constantly eating every meal, you need to change his food.

Please look at the past couple of posts for suggestions on other dog foods that you can try feeding your puppy.

Most important is to make sure that the protein content is not greater then 25%!

Good Luck!