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Hollie (great dane)

20 8:59:08

Hi my Great Dane is 8 years old, she had has the best food all her life and has always been a picture of excellent health. Yesterday she came down to say hello when I came in from work then just went in her bed, (which is not unusual) after an hour or so I have her a shout for get dinner, she didn't come down, so I went in with a cocktail sausage which she has never ever been able to resist, but nothing! She couldn't even open her mouth, she was dribbling an awful lot and just couldn't stand up or open her eyes! Needless to say I rushed her to the out of hours! Five of us carried her to the car and got her to the vets immediately, her temp was 41.4 which I know is bit far off fatal, they gave her lots of fluids intravenously and three types of antibiotic for her temp and "infection" she started season around three days ago. We noticed a few spots but nothing compared to in the past, it's cost 1100 for one overnight stay! CAn anybody think of anything that is common in these dogs or even just shed any light as to what to do! Would've greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance, carl

You have her at the vet which is the suggestion I would have made you based on your description of what happened. Is there a reason that you kept her intact? Females that are not spayed have a risk of pyometra, uterine infections, uterine cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, Ovarian cancer ect. You maybe feeding her a quality food but every time a female goes into season you are risking the above along with mammory cancer ect. The best decision to do for your pet is get them spayed and neutered. I hope she will be ok, please make sure the vet checks for Pyometra, it is common in Danes.