Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > things to be taking care while buying a greatdan?

things to be taking care while buying a greatdan?

20 9:01:15


i want to buy a greatdan dog. so if u can help me and tell me the things to be taking care while buying a greatdan?


Always buy from a breeder who shows, they are showing the world that their stock is healthy, well constructed and good tempered.  They are also not breeding for money alone but to improve the stock they show.  It is their professional reputation you are buying.

Always ask to see the parents and check their temperament, just to be err on the side of caution.  Go to shows and look at what is being exhibited.

Find out what guarantee goes with the purchase.

If things go wrong will they have the dog back.

Ask for puppy rearing notes and diet sheet up to at least 12 months of age.  If they don't provide these things go elsewhere.

Our website

has a set of printable puppy notes and diet sheet.