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Your answer vs. common sense

20 9:01:08

QUESTION: Expert: Ken Humphries
Date: 6/8/2008
Subject: 11 wk old aggressive dane

I have had 6 danes sine 1975, I currently have a 3yr old neutered male & 3wks ago I got a female puppy who is now 11wks old,unfortunately she was not well socialized,never in the house, & very little people contact,I spoke to him via the phone & he was recommended by a friend of a good friend,she was separated from her mother ~5-6wks of age,she chews/bites me and this evening when I corrected her she came at me full force & growling, she actually scared me.Please help! By the way,when I got to the breeders house & I asked what he did for a living, his response was "I sell dogs, if they don't sell I don't sleep at night" I probably should of went back home but I didn't want to leave her there.Please help!Thanks, Sue

Aggression in a dog that size is not acceptable.  Take her back as not being typical and of merchantable quality.  Trading standards will have a field day with him.  The only other answer is to have her put to sleep she can't be trusted around children.  

My advice would be to take her on long, vigorous walks. It help get out pent up energy that can turn into aggression. When a dane has exhausted all that access energy it will make training go alot smoother and will help with outbursts when it comes to correcting. Not to mention it will get her the socialization that is needed. Also I wouldn't rule out putting a muzzle on her until you can get things under control. After awhile a muzzle won't be needed and she'll become a calm well mannered dog.

ANSWER: There is no magic formula.  If you lived nearer i could probably help.  The last time I saw this type of aggression the owner ignored my advice and the dog put her in hospital.

The only thing I can suggest is a muzzle until she learns not to bite.


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QUESTION: The owner most likely ended up in the hospital because of your advice. Most owners love their dogs. Telling them the only solution is to put the dog to sleep won't help.
Maybe you should sit down and watch some of Ceasr Milan's work with aggressive dogs. It will make you more equipped to hand out advice. You proclaim to be an expert, so people look to you in despair for help. They already know that putting their dogs down is an option and that is why they seek help in the first place.

ANSWER: Cesar Milan does not give advice over the internet.  He employs hands on, like I pointed out. Novices do not train their dogs he does.I can train aggressive dogs if they are brought to me, the one that attacked the owner tried to train him herself and ignored my advice and help.

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QUESTION: Sometimes Cesar does give advise over the internet. Also his books are usually in your local library.  Plus he has a show on the National Geographic channel everyday at 1:OO. All I'm saying is putting a dog down is Never good advise.

Putting a dog down can sometimes be the best advice or don't you have children being killed by dogs in the USA.  We had another one recently, killed by a rottweiler.  If we don'twant daneson the DDA list we have to be very careful and sometimes unsentimental.

If you don't believe me ask anyone who has had a cocker spaniel with rage syndrome.