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Stomach tacking ... too skinny!

20 9:00:39


Skinny on the right
One of my 2 twin danes is extremely thin. They eat the same (he often eats more) but he just doesn't gain weight. He's been tested for worms with negative finding. Is it possible something went wrong in the stomach tack that has caused him to be unable to gain weight and get nutrients from his food (though that's done in the intestines, we're out of ideas as to why he's so thin). Pic attached  - you can count his vertebrae ...  He acts fine, plays fine, has energy, etc. He's just grossly thin - I feel embarrassed in public with him, and am waiting for someone to call the authorities for the poor abused dog ... Could they be linked?

I am not a  veterinarian, therefore I really cannot tell you if that fact that he was tacked has anything to do with him being skinny. He does look thin, but it is not the worst I have seen...Have you tried to switch his food to see if his system responds better to another kind? If he has been tested for worms and parasites without any finding there is not much more I can tell you. I would possibly explore the option of switching to a different food. It may have something to do with the fact that his digestive system is not taking to the food and not pulling the nutrients. This however is only a theory, so you would have to try another kind of food to see if that is the case. For that I would recommend what I always do. Taste of the Wild, you can visit their profile and find a distributor in your area. Hope this helps a little bit.