Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > Purebred Dane or not?

Purebred Dane or not?

20 9:00:05

QUESTION: We recently purchased a puppy, we are having doubts about the her being purebred Dane.  Her nose appears to be more pointed than photos of other Dane puppies we have researched online.


Were you told that this was a purebred puppy? It is hard to tell in the picture...She really does not look purebred in this particular picture but that doesn't mean that she isn't. I would need to see some more pictures...

She may be a purebred but not very well bred, she does not conform to the standard for head, muzzle, eye set or type at all...

If you can send me some more pictures I might be able to get a better idea and give you a more positive answer...

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Another pic of Macy...thank you for your quick response and assistance.  My son purchased her, he had no interest in papers, but said the puppies were supposed to be CKC registered.  I realize that does not mean anything anymore...he was considering cropping her ears, but if she is not purebred, I dont thing he should invest that much money and then have her not grow or look like a Dane when she is older.

In this picture she looks like a Dane but again, whoever bred her had no idea what they were doing because she is not bred to the Great Dane standard as written by the American Kennel Club...I would not invest in cropping ears...I wouldn't even know what she would look like with them done...

The CKC or Continental Kennel Club is not a respectable registry for purebred dogs. This is a registry used by back yard breeders and puppy mills that may have gotten their hands on a dog from a nice pedigree to be able to advertise CHAMPION bloodlines even though they themselves do not show, health test, or do anything else to ensure responsible breeding.