Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > vomiting????


20 8:59:09

My great dane,TITAN is a year and a half old. For the past 4 to 5 days she has been really sick .I am confused to call it vomiting or something else.She pukes a whitish sort of a thing,looks more of saliva though.She has great difficulty in doing that and it seem to be really painful to her.She does that all most every 15 minutes.she does not eat and she drinks very less water.


Is she not holding down water and food or is she refusing to eat? It sounds to me like she may have a blockage. Is she still using the bathroom? Going number 2 specifically? If she continues to not drink water she will get dehydrated very quickly. I would get her to the vet immediately and have her x-rayed to ensure that she has not eaten something and it is not logged in her intestines it will most likely not make it out of there on its own. I would suggest going to the vet and at least eliminating a blockage as that can kill your dog if left untreated.