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20 9:06:34


I got your email address from the web that indicated you were a Great Dane Breeder.

I'm after a little bit of help regarding a Dane.  I have a 24 week old puppy (Finn)who i hate to say this is the smelliest dog you ever did smell.  Its not that he's rolled in anything or eaten anything (well not to my knowledge) when he's been in a room it stinks, some of my family won't go near him as he smells so bad.  I've had him to the groomers a few times he comes out smelling nice but then the pleasant smell disapears after a few days and the unpleasant one returns.  He's the first Dane i've ever had so each day i learn something new about the breed.

I would be grateful if you could shed any light on this matter.

I look forward to hearing from you.

I've never come across this problem.  What do you bed him on.  We use shredded paper because it is  clean and easy to dispose of.

What do you feed him on?  Good quality dry food shouldn't make him smell.  If it persists you may need to bath him often to make him less anti-social.