Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > why is he still skinny?

why is he still skinny?

20 9:01:44

I have a two yer old great dane that my vet says is too skinny.  We keep food in his bowl all day long and I have been trying your ideas of protein content between 15 and 20% and carbohydrate as high as possible in his food.  We mixed it with meat, and restricted his exercise to two playtimes a day of about 10 mins each.  He doesnt have worms and there is nothing medically wrong with him, we just cant get weight on him. Any suggestions?

Perhaps he is just the slim kind.

Only feed twice a day at set times.

Allowing him to graze means that his stomach is never empty and it will not send messages to the brain saying, "Eat", so he will never get hungry.

Two good sized meals a day should help.  One pound of RAW minced tripe, beef brisket of breast of lamb with one pound of dry complete should see some improvement.

If he eats them all up increase slightly until you can see that he is getting full.
