Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > Should I Get Another Dane as a Companion

Should I Get Another Dane as a Companion

20 8:59:16

I have a 7mos female great dane and was told that danes do better if there is another dane in the home.  This is concerning me very much.  In your opinion, should I consider getting another dane as a companion for Chloe?  I work out of the home 4 days a week and am off for 3 days.  During my work week, I go home at lunch everyday and let her out to go potty and have some play time with me.  While I'm gone, I make sure there are plenty of distractions for her with toys, ice cubes in a sock, a radio so she hears music, and she can watch the squirrels outside.  When I'm home, we're inseparable - she's my shadow which is fine with me.


Getting another Dane should be your decision. Do not let anyone talk you into another dog if that is not what you want. Danes do perfectly well without another Dane. Like ANY dog, not just Danes, they do enjoy another dog's company. If you are not ready for another dog, be it a Dane or otherwise I would not advise you to get one. Some people really like having only one dog. If she has not seemed anxious then I would not worry too much about it. If you want to get her out playing with other dogs then I would suggest you look into taking Chloe to Doggy Daycare a few days a week. Be careful with the ice cubes in a sock though. Danes are able to eat an entire sock and this can cause a blockage in their intestine. Other then that...having another dog is a huge responsibility, physically and financially, if you are not ready for it and Chloe seems happy with you, there is no reason to rush out and get another Dane. Everyone has their own opinions but there are plenty of dogs that do quite well on their own with just their family or guardian...