Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > dew claw removal

dew claw removal

20 9:01:42

Does removal of dew claw on GD compromise the integrity of the dog or potentially cause "toe in" problems?

Removal of the dew claws is a safety feature and does not affect the dog's movement.  The only people who leave them on, in my opinion are those who are too mean to pay the vet fees.

I had a young GSD come to one of my training classes and he jump-ed up to say hallo and caught my arm with one of his front dew claws.  It ripped my arm open leaving a six inch gash.  They can also rip them out running about or scratching their neck when wearing a collar.

The claws should be removed at two-days when the vet cuts through the cartilage between the bones with a pair of nail scissors.
