Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > To Dane or Not to Dane

To Dane or Not to Dane

20 9:01:22

Dear Mr. Humphries,

I am very interested in getting a Great Dane as a companion pet.  I have a
medium-sized house and yard as well as a very flexible job that allows me a
fair amount of time at home.  My family and neighborhood is also full of dogs
for my puppy to socialize with.  I have absolutely fallen in love with the Great
Danes I have "met" recently and would love to have one in my home!  I want
to make sure, however, that I do neither myself nor the dog a disfavor.  So,
what are some of the things Dane purchasers fail to understand until owning
the dog?  To put it more simply, what are some possible problems or issues
that would arise with a Dane that might not with other breeds?  I realize they
certainly eat more, but what else should I be prepared for?  Are they difficult
to train?  This may be too big a question to answer here, so if you can direct
me somewhere, I would be most appreciative.  Thank you again for your

Get yourself a book on danes from your locallibrary.  The ones by Di Johnson and Karina Le Mare are among the best.

Danes take a lot of training especially by a novice.

Dane puppies do not play with other dogs, they are too big, too boisterous and don't know their own strength.  Dogs do not socialise except under controlled conditions.  They fight to determine dominance and a dane will usually win which upsets the other owners.
They should be socialised at proprely run training classes.

Go to local shows and see the danes there, particularly dane club shows.  In fact join a dane club and see what they can offer.
