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many bumps on muzzel

20 9:00:40

I have a black Dane. He is 1.5 years old. Ever since he was about 8 months old he's had multiple bumps on his muzzle, mainly on his lips and near his nose. They never really seem to bother him. They are pink-gray in color and vary in size and shape. They are smooth with no discharge. He's been on the same dog food since the day we brought him home and have never switched shampoo. Any ideas on what they are and how to get rid of them?

It sounds like acne to me...if they do not look infected I wouldn't really worry about it...You can try a different food to see if it might be something having to do with his food. I cannot honestly tell you what exactly they are, or how to get rid of them, everything would be trial and error. If you really want to get rid of them I would take him to the veterinarian. I think it is puppy acne but he could have some kind of reaction to his food, even though he has been eating the same thing, an ingredient may have changed that you might have not noticed. He may have an allergy to something, but what that is, I cannot tell you.

Hope that helps