Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > selecting a male vs female puppy for a companion to my 1 yr oldfemale

selecting a male vs female puppy for a companion to my 1 yr oldfemale

20 8:59:13

My husband and I became proud parents of a great dane. She is now a year old, soon to be spayed, and we would like to get another puppy. We are unsure if we should get a male or another female, which will also be spayed or neutered. I have been told with some breeds 2 females do not get along well.

         thank you for any information~
         Dawn, Ray & Lola

The better option when it comes to any of the Mastino breeds is to go with the opposite sex, in your case a male would be the better way to go. Obviously I would wait after she is spayed and has recovered from her surgery. Getting a new dog is both exciting for the family as well as the dog, so it would be best to get her spayed and only then get a new puppy. Please make sure that you research your breeder. Ensure that they do health testing for conditions such as hip dysplasia, eye disease, heart disease and thyroid. A list of breeders is available on the Great Dane Club of America website. I recommend talking to several breeders and making your selection after you feel comfortable with them. Dane rescue is always a good option as well, they do not have puppies very often but you may get lucky. Good luck and I hope this answers your original question.