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Great Dane Siezure

20 8:59:12

We have a 1 yr old female Great Dane, we just got her about 2 weeks ago and evidently she is in the middle of her cycle, our 15 month old male tied with her yesterday.  While she was sleeping today in the house she had a seizure.  Is this common?  We have a call into our vet and are waiting to hear back from him.

I cannot answer that question regarding the seizure as I am not a veterinarian. I do not know your dogs medical history and I do not know your dogs pedigree or lineage to tell you if that is something that might be inheritable in those particular lines.

I can tell you that based on the information you have provided me I would take the bitch to the vet and have her spayed before the sperm has time to fertilize the eggs. Any dog that has seizures should not be allowed to reproduce. Furthermore, you have a bitch that is one year old and should not even be close to having a litter of puppies just based on age and all other factors aside. If this is a genetic/hereditary condition it will very likely be passed along to her offspring.