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Danes and Bikes

20 9:01:56

I just adopted a one-year-old male Dane. Despite having a frustrating case of happy tail, we have been overjoyed with him. He is good with dogs, cats, and humans. However, upon taking him for a hike this afternoon, I discovered he is aggressive towards mountain bikers (chasing, growling, snapping). Have any thoughts on how to curb this particular behavior? I am an avid outdoors person who lives in the Utah Rockies.

You could try a long or retracting leash then when you see bikers you can call him back and make him sit while they go past.  Fussing him to tell him that he is being good, speak sharply if he misbehaves.  He will want to please you so he will soon calm down.  You never know what has happened to him in the past that has made him nervous of bikers.  You have to give him the confidence to face them without getting upset.

Glad someone else has problems with happy tails.  Move all breakable items up above 4 feet from the ground.  You are obviously looking after him well if you have that problem.  Our youngest girl's tail never stops and we have to keep her away from sharp corners like stairs, doors and kitchen units in case it splits.  We had to have one boy's tail docked when he plit it and wouldn't leqave it alone.

Enjoy your new member of the family.
