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Too MUCH affection?

20 9:01:28

2 days ago we adopted a 1yr old female Dane from what appears to be a loving family with 5 cats and a Jack Russell.We have an 11 yr old Lab (neutered male)who has NOT bonded with her but has played a tad..but more than likely thinks we brought a pony home instead of a dog.They have gotten into a couple of scraps (no injuries yet). I can deal with that because introductions take time. The Dane though seems to be an "affection monger" and will stand between the lab and my husband..making the lab rather pissed off. We/I have spent the past 2 days making sure she felt 'comfy' in her new home. She has velcroed herself to my hip and if my hubby comes from the other room to say HI she stands up and growls, barks..looks mean. He laughs and just approaches her and says 'SHADOW! and then she is OK in a sec. Is this normal behavior? She has not growled at me yet. Maybe she is just trying to find the 'niche' in the way her new home operates? Is it BAD to give too much attention to her when she is good? She hasn't been bad yet..and I see that with some direction she won't.
BTW..The Lab is not lacking any attention. Hubby and I take shifts and the lab actually is being a great sport being as old as he is! it possible her behavior might change (as far as being protective etc) when she is in heat? She kind of shows the signs of it 'coming'(licking, etc) but then again this is the first female dog I have owned in 40 yrs so what do I know?
ANY help would be appreciated!

She is assuming the role of pack leader in your home. Which should be your role. Type alpha boot camp into your webbrowser and implement their method. Meanwhile, WALK YOUR DOG. This is the singularly most important thing any dog owner can do. At least a forty five minute power walk with dog at heel EVERY day. This applies to all dogs. Believe it or not it is a real scene setter for alpha behavior in your home. Get her involved in an obedience class as well.
And remember, dogs on the FLOOR always and dogs NEVER control the environment or situation. This needs to be addressed and corrected now before it gets worse