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4yr old Great Dane limping

20 8:59:11

I have 4yr old great dane who just started to limp last night. This morning he is avoiding putting any weight on his front right leg. I checked his leg & paw and there are no obvious injuries. We went for a walk yesterday & there were no issues or limping. He stays inside, no kids & he doesn't do stairs. So, I'm not sure where the limping started or why. He has been very healthy & never had this problem before. Strange part is, limping came on very suddenly.


He could have easily strained the leg, the best thing to do would be to take him to the veterinarian and have the leg checked out for signs of a torn ligament, ect. If you want to wait a few days put your Dane on crate rest and keep him off of his leg so that it has time to rest and heel. Just as with people, sometimes you can sleep wrong and wake up with a ache in your arm/leg. Same thing can happen with a dog or he could have just put his foot down wrong and it is bothering him. There are many things that can bring on sudden limping. Your best bet is to keep an eye on it for a few days and if it gets worse then get him to the vet as soon as possible. He could have something as small as a sprain but it could be as bad as a fracture or tear in the ligament.