Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > My Dane wont walk, lies down when i put his leash on.

My Dane wont walk, lies down when i put his leash on.

20 9:01:48

Hi Ken,

I have a 4 month old male great dane. I want to train him to poop outside but i can't get him to walk or even stand when i put his leash on him. Also i noticed he seems a bit afraid of me (he does come to me often), he prefers to follow Female humans in our house. Need your quick help please, our house is starting to smell bad and i want to be able to have a good relationship with my dog.

There is no quick fix.  The dog obviously distrusts you, for some reason.

Training starts at eight weeks of age and takes two days.  Get a female to TAKE him outside and stay with him until he has performed the give him lots of fuss and a tit-bit.

He should be trained to go out and perform after each meal and when he wakes up, everytime.

Get a book on danes, rearing and training from the library.
