Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > 8 year old dane throwing up

8 year old dane throwing up

20 9:01:05

We have had our dane since he was 8 weeks old.  He has always thrown up a fact he is trained to go to the bath tub if we aren't around to get him outside in time.  But he has started throwing up more.  Hardly keeps food down.  He also has this hack he does that he never did before.  I'm starting to get scared he's coming to the end but don't know if this is something that wet food would help or some other simple thing to help.  Any suggestions?

Throwing up regularly is NOT normal. It might be caused by improper nutrition or an allergic reaction to something in his food.Swith him to a super premium dog food and see if that helps,also get him examined by a vet as this sounds like a serious medical problem.