Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > fawn dane with skin problems

fawn dane with skin problems

20 9:01:35

hi i have a fawn dane who will be 4 since getting him he always has a skin problem the vet said he is allergic to meat no test done he loses his hair and his skin where the hair falls out turns black he has scabs on his ears any sugestions all the vet does is put him on antibiotics it helps a little but not all he is on a sensitive skin food any sugestions

Change your vet is my first observation.

I assume you've taken him off meat and the problem still persists.  If so put him back on meat and try a non-wheat based biscuit/complete meal, or a maize/corn free diet, or lactose free.  Those would be my first thoughts.

After that try no eggs, change his bedding, fumigate the house/kennel where ever he lives.  He may be allergic to mites of one sort or another.

A good vet should have explored all these avenues.
