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weight of my danes

20 9:00:53

my danes are litter mates and are 9 months old there 73lbs.& 78lbs. my last dane was 125@ 9 months how can i put some weight on these two.

I don't think you need to be worrying unless the vet tells you they are too small. I think 125 lbs sounds like alot for 9 months, I don't think mine was that big til he was over a year,and he had big parents. Their sizes are going to vary from pup to pup and litter to litter,especially if they come from different parents you shouldn't compare them. Feed them a good dog food and they'll be fine, they're probably growing upward faster than your other one which is causing them to not gain as much weight.If you are worried they are too skinny you could try deworming them just to be sure they dont' have worms,alot of times dogs can be thin if they have worms. And of course if you are still concerned and they are dramatically thin you should get them checked by a vet.