Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > tail injury

tail injury

20 9:01:54

Hi, I have a 6 month old Great Dane puppy who has recently injured his tail from hitting it on doors, walls , whatever is around.  Just wanted to know if you know any tricks to prevent this from happening again, and help in protecting the tail while it heals?

The problem comes with the territory.

We have the same problem.  Keep them away from corners when they are happy and ensure they wag their tails in open areas.

We keep Elastoplast Spray Plaster and Germolene new skin liquid and use those as appropriate.

If it gets really bad tape a used toilet roll centre over the wound but don't let the dog our of your sight or it will be off in 5 secs flat.  The world record is 1.3 sec.