Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > Is a Great Dane the Dog for me??

Is a Great Dane the Dog for me??

20 9:01:48

I live in an apartment and I've always wanted a great Dane because i have always heard that they are the most fun and loving dogs. I Am a very active person I go out for a i hour run or walk once or twice a day. But now getting to my question would a great Dane be able to live in an apartment happily and will my jogging and walking be enough exercise for it and i also have a very friendly siamese cat, would they get along?

If you live in an apartment where would the dog pee and pooh?

Until a puppy dane is 18 months old it shouldn't have long walks and runs.  Where will it be while you are out running and walking?

What about training and socialising?  Where would you do that?

Danes are not suitable for apartments.