Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > 4 month old puppy 1/4overshot

4 month old puppy 1/4overshot

20 9:00:51

is it possible at all for this to correct? I understand overshot can correct, but it's about 1/4 " right now and  puppy is 4months old. Both sets front teeth are just starting to come in. Looks like the bottom teech will not touch the front.....any hope at all?

If your puppy's bite is overshot there is a chance that it will correct itself as she gets bigger. Most of the time the bite is however genetic so there may have been some bad teeth somewhere in her lines beforehand.

An undershot jaw is a serious fault in the ring...but the incisors of the lower jaw should touch lightly the bottoms of the inner surface of the upper  is what the breed standard says specifically about teeth...

Teeth shall be strong, well developed, clean and with full dentition. The incisors of the lower jaw touch very lightly the bottoms of the inner surface of the upper incisors (scissors bite). An undershot jaw is a very serious fault. Overshot or wry bites are serious faults. Even bites, misalignment or crowded incisors are minor faults.

This does get passed on to future generations, if you have plans for showing then this would technically be a fault and I would of course have her spayed as she will still be a perfect pet!
