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Adding to the Family

20 9:00:30

I have a Great Dane she will be 4 in mar.  Love her and the breed. She is fixed . I would like to get another Great Dane male puppy, but am afraid she will hurt the puppy. My sister had her dog around mine and  when she was young she was about 2yr.old. She attacked her dog and we were afraid she would kill her.  My sister's dog is old and is going to die eventually. Would she attack because of this reason that she is ill?  Or will she always atack another dog.  I would love to have another dog

Honestly, if your dog does not like other dogs it would be very difficult for me to say without personally evaluating your dog if she would hurt a puppy that you were to bring to your home. Do you have anyone that has a puppy that would be willing to come over and see how she were to act?

Dogs do not attack because another dog is ill, however they can sense it but should not act out aggressively towards them unless they just personally do not like other dogs. I would see about maybe talking to a trainer in your area that would be able to fully evaluate her temperament before bringing a puppy into your home. It would be very unfortunate if something bad were to happen to a young puppy being attacked.

You might want to maybe take her to PETSMART as long as you are comfortable and see how she does with dogs there, a lot of people bring their puppies to Petsmart. If you are going to do this, make sure that you are comfortable with taking her and that you are able to control her at all times.