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BARF or raw diet for my great dane

20 9:01:24

I am looking into the possibility of starting my new great Dane on the raw or BARF diet.  I would like to know the advantages and pitfalls of this diet compared to norm?  Also if I decide to go with the raw food diet for her, am I required to use supplements to ensure complete and balanced nutrition?  I am aware of the fact that Danes are prone to hip dysplasia and would like to know the proper food for her? ie; some people say no puppy food as it makes them grow big too fast, any suggestions?

BARF diets are great if you're willing to put the time and effort into insuring that your dog is getting the proper nutrition and a balanced diet.
Great Dane pups should be fed a dog food that is 23 percent or lower in protein. All dogs should be kept away from dog food that has corn, wheat, soy, large amounts of ANY kind of grain, as well as by products and chemicals.
I add supplements for my dogs no matter what they eat. I'm just never satisfied with the amount or type of vitamins that is any any commercial food, and feel the same about BARF or cooking for your dog. Just as I make sure my kids, hubby and myself all take OUR supplements.
Please find below a great website for getting started on a BARF diet.
You don't want your dog to grow too large too quickly this stresses joints and bones , as well as tendons and ligaments. However you DO want proper nutrition to avoid knuckling over and other problems.
Do remember that you will have to add things such as tripe to your dogs diet when feeding BARF in order to keep him healthy.
I have other sights as well to help you get started should you decide to go that route.
Hope you find this helpful