Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > RE: 10/23/05 DANES NOT EATING ENOUGH


20 9:06:26

You stated..."If you are going to let him snack constantly feed him fattening foods like crisps, chocolate, burgers, fries etc."

My question is...
Was that supposed to read do NOT feed him fattening foods like crisps, chocolate, burgers, fries etc? Especially the chocolate? I was under the impression that chocolate is poisonous to dogs.

You are correct, typing error.  Do not feed him fattening foods.

NMy advice is to feed him at regular times so that he is trained to expect food then and will eat then.  Ref Pavlov's dogs.

Our dogs eat chocolate in moderation and a vets programme on TV the other night had a dog who had eaten 15 chocolate bars and was fine, apart from a bad case of indigestion.

If you are going to train him to eat at regular times you will need to do it gradually.  Say feed him small amounts three or four times a day and leave him a small quantity to snack on during the night.  Aim to feed him twice a day with a few dog biscuits before settling him down for the night.  These are because I don't like to think of them going to bed and feeling hungry, they are not necessary but I'm too soft with my dogs.