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My dog is in heat for the 2nd time

20 9:01:26

Our great dane went in heat for the first time in January. She is exactly one years old now, and she is going into heat for the second time. This will be twice in a two month period, how many times do they go into heat in a year? Is this normal?

It's very normal. It's called a split heat. It happens very often in a first heat. Your dog should be back to normal by her second heat cycle, or at the most her third. It just takes awhile sometimes for those hormones to balance correctly in a young dog., much the same as in a young woman.  A split heat in the first cycle usually occurs about six weeks after the first 'heat'. It shouldn't affect her fertility and is nothing to worry about. She'll settle into a routine soon enough :). Every six months is average, but varies from dog to dog sometimes.