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heating a doghouse

20 8:59:37

Hi Paula,.
I have a beagle that lives outside year round(I live in Alberta Can). He sleeps in the dog house (2x4 construction and insulated all around) with 2 cats and has for 6 years now. My concern is he is getting older and maybe a little arthritic. I have been looking at ways to heat their house, mostly what I can find are the heating pads, my question is, is that sufficient for them or do they need the house to be heated?


Although this is a GREAT DANE forum, I will answer your question.

I am also not very knowledgeable about what the weather is like in Alberta. I would suggest that you insulate the doghouse and also add straw and some fleece blankets. If you have a way of heating it, that would be ideal.

The cold can impact a dog that may have arthritis more then one that does not, and as a dog starts getting older, it can become more and more uncomfortable for them.

**I did not have to answer this question because it did not pertain to the forum, I do so to be kind to this person but yet they decided that I did not give them the answer they wanted**