Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > saw her peeing while spleeping

saw her peeing while spleeping

20 8:59:31

I have a 10 week old,, saw a past ? about same subject. have had my pup for 3 weeks. no symptoms of uti except when she is in a deep sleep she sometimes leaks. This just started in past week. It is not a full bladder release but enough to make her bed wet. I feed her a raw diet, has fresh water and is let out very often. She is doing well potty training. We crate her for a few hours when we are not home and at night (we let her out around 11:30, She will  get up around 4-5, we let her out and back into crate till around 6:00. We we usually get up) She has had only a few accidents in her crate, what I'd consider normal. Only a handful of accidents in the house ( pee-only) always near the door. So she is doing great potty training. But this past week I'd notice that her bed would sometimes be wet, not soaked but more damp. Last night she was sleeping and I just happened to be looking at her, she was so darn cute. And i saw her leaking and she was sound asleep. She does not show any signs of a uti, except this sleep-peeing. I read a past post with the same problem except there was a history of an uti. Was wondering if the problem was indeed a uti or a pup grew out of it or if it was something more?

There is a chance that she may have a urinary tract infection. I would suggest that you take a sample of her urine into the veterinarian. I am assuming that since she is only 10 weeks old she is not spayed yet, but of she is this can also be the result of a bad spay. You can try a homeopathic droplet called leeks no more by Homeo-Pet. You can buy it at most petstores, if not it is available online at I hope this helps you out. And I apologoze for the delayed response, my email did not alert me that there was a pending question.