Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > full time job

full time job

20 9:01:33

QUESTION: I would like to buy dane puppy in few months. But the problem is that I'm working full time( 8 hours per day usually 5 days a week) I'm living with 2 more people but I'm certain that the dog will be alone one or twice a week for 8 hours. I know that I have to take more days off with puppy and I will... And second question do you recommend to buy a crate?

ANSWER: We don't use crates we buiold secure, heated kennel and covered runs.

Leaving a puppy alone for that length of time will be very distressing, they are pack animals and fret when left alone.

In tour case I would leave buying a puppy until you can give it less time alone.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks. I meant I know i have to spend more time with puppy and I will... But anyway what is according your opinion the longest lenght of time dog can be alone at home?I'm living in Ireland is there particular brand of the food available in Ireland I should buy? I was thinking to use raw meat for feeding...

The time they will tolerate varies before they start finding things to play with, like furniture.  A crate is fine but it will not stop him/her fretting when you are out.  They can be trained to left for longer and longer periods, starting off with 15 minutes and gradually working up.

There is a diet sheet on our website

or send me an email

and i will send you a copy.

We feed raw minced tripe and a complete food.  Can you get Dr Johns Gold from GILPA ( Gilbertson & Page), or WAFCOL, or Go Dog?