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How much do I feed?

19 16:21:35

I have a 14 week Miniature Australian Bulldog.  I am currently feeding him the recommended 2 cups per day for his current weight.  We divide the portions into 1 cup per serving  two times a day.  He eats his food within 2 minutes.  I know he can eat more.  Should I go with the recommended schedule or feed him more?

First of all, a puppy this age should be eating 3 times a day. I feed mine all they can eat in 5 minutes and then pick up the food. I put much more in the dish than they'll every eat so they don't choke down every bite. If they know there's plenty, they won't eat like it's their last meal. You should feed like this until the puppy is 6 months old then go to two meals a day and then around 9-10 months, once a day is fine. Again, all they can get at a feeding as long as they are getting enough exercise to keep from getting over weight.