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Bulldog puppy with runny nose

19 16:21:36

We just brought home our 9 week old bulldog puppy and the next day her
nose started to drip.  At first it was clear but last night it turned think and
yellow/green.  We brought her to the vet and now she is on clamavox and
nose drops.  How long can a condition like this last?  Is this a sign that our
puppy may have long-term healthy issues?  We've spoken to the breeder who
assures us that the other pups are fine.  They are willing to take her to their
vet if the condition worsens.  I'm worried about pnuemonia.

Bulldog puppies are very prone to upper respiratory infections and you were very smart to get her to the vet and on antibiotics right away. Chances are she'll be fine. However, during this time she should not be stressed with hard play or exertion. She needs to rest. Once she's finished the course of Clavamox, take her back to the vet after about a week (assuming there are no symptoms) to make sure her lungs are clear.  Then get back to normal, but be aware that this can come back anytime. Bulldogs can't cough up the gunk in their lungs like other breeds.