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19 16:21:36

I have a new ED and a 7 Lyra old ED the older one has kind taken the other one under her wing but you advised to be careful and I agree!!!... the question is around the older female is allowed on the bed to cuddle for an hour ever night (not to sleep) but the puppy wants up (crate training the pup). What do I do as I don't not want to make the older dog (Daisy) feel like she is losing attention and the pup less important.I have to admit the older one is helping potty training by getting the pup to go out when I say "potty".
How do I balance??

Don't put them in a position to compete for attention. Put one away while you're spending individual time with the other. The older dog won't take an invasion of her personal time with you lightly especially something as intimate as being in your bed.

Just give them equal time and different times.