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color n breeding

19 16:26:25

whatis the normal color of a good one and when can  I breed my girl.

hi Mandi  

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  AKC Size: The size for mature dogs is about 50 pounds; for mature bitches about 40 pounds. Color: The various colors found in the breed are to be preferred in the following order: (1) red brindle, (2) all other brindles, (3) solid white, (4) solid red, fawn or fallow, (5) piebald, (6) inferior qualities of all the foregoing.

  Basic Requirements: Mature Bulldogs aren't a very active breed, so they will do well with a moderate amount of exercise. The breed is quite to susceptible to heat, and does not do well in cold weather, so they should be an indoor dog. Weekly brushing will keep moderate shedding under control.

  Temperament: Good with children when they are raised with them or socialized correctly. The Bulldog is typically calm and gentle yet a protective watch dog.

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