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Surgery for English Bulldog

19 16:19:23

My English bulldog is 7 months old and both testicles are still undescended.  He will need surgery, it may be abdominal surgery.  How dangerous is this surgery and should I also have the vet check his palate?


I am one of Marie's cl
Hi Debby - Make sure your vet has done surgery on this type of breed in the past.  It is very important that the vet knows the special needs of your boy's breed.
Here is a link for your review...

Possible Health Problems

Bulldogs have numerous known genetic defects and are subject to various illnesses that affect many breeds. Common Bulldog health problems you may encounter include: elongated soft palate, small trachea, allergies, dermatitis, demodetic mange, eye lid anomalies, hip dysplasia and heart problems. Some of them have a tendency toward self-mutilation (especially if they have itchy skin), so owners should watch carefully for signs of skin irritation and scratching. If you are adopting an older dog, many of these conditions will already have been identified.

Twenty-four hour care by a qualified veterinarian must be available. Since not all veterinarians are knowledgeable about the health problems Bulldogs may have, you should consult experienced Bulldog owners or the rescue to find a capable veterinarian. Any veterinarian who will be doing surgery on your Bulldog should have previous experience with putting Bulldogs under anesthesia.

So, my answer is yes, get a vet who know the breed and everything should go well.

Good luck to you two!

Marie Peppers LPN MA

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