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Incontinence in 1 year old Old English Bulldogge

19 16:19:36

My fiance and I adopted a 1 year old Old English Bulldogge that is both urine and bowel incontinent.  He was going to be put down at a county shelter but with the help of a local rescue and some other concerned people, he now lives with us.  He has seen a number of doctors (and will see another one on Wednesday) but they cannot figure out what could be causing his problem.  He seems to not even realize he needs to go, he just does, constantly.  The doctors do believe it is not neurological.  He is also slightly weak in his hind quarters, although he walks just fine.  He sits down a lot.  He is otherwise fine, happy and friendly.  Any ideas?  I would like to have some suggestions to take to the vet with me.


Hi - Pet nurse Marie c
Deanna - WoW you guys are so nice to take on this Bullie kid!
I would assume you have him in dog diapers?  I would think it has to do with his muscles in the hind area?  I bet it is neurological and muscular.  Have they done a scan yet on his hind area?

I just have no idea without more testing.......
Good luck to you all!
Let me know what happens.

Marie Peppers LPN MA