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22 month old english bulldog peeing in house

19 16:15:17

Hi Maria!!! I've read your postings about removing bedding in the crate so the dog doesn't bulldog loves to sleep with my daughter in her bed...usually she creeps down sometime through the night and pees on the floor. Layla (our dog) has a bad heart murmur so we cannot have her fixed...when we put her pants on her when she's in season she hates them. Lately she has begun peeing in them...which she will do on the bed in them and then they leak onto the bedding. I don't know how to stop her from doing this. This time she started dripping blood so we put pants on her and then the bleeding stopped but we leave pants on her at night so there is no accident of blood on the  bed or carpet but she is steadily peeing in them even though she is going out regularly. Should we stop food and water at a certain time at night...would that help? She does not let us know when she has to go out...we just keep an eye on sheltie always paces around when she has to go...Layla is just a different kind of dog. We hate to scold her cause of her illness but I don't know what else to do...sometimes when we take her our she refuses to we have to put a leash on her and make her physically walk so she will go...she's stubborn. Please help me...We love her so much but we don't want her to destroy our house either. We feed her Royal Canine Bulldog food with some wet food cause she's fussy and she is NOT on any medications at this time. Thanks,  Dawn

Hi Dawn and Layla!  I sure do understand your situation.  I would hold off on water intake after 7 pm , if this is possible.
Also, let's add a few vitamin supplements to her diet.
Easy on the belly and very helpful for urinary health.
Please continue with the Girl panties at night.  Buy some of the Human female MAXI pads - place that into the female panties.  ( much less expensive than the pads made for dogs - thicker, too)
( TIP:  I buy the "no-name" thick maxi pad brands

For supplements -
LET's get her onto 500 mg of Vitamin C per day - ESTER C - found any place that sells vitamins for humans.  Will help her to stay AWAY from any urinary infections.
Vit C is very, very safe for her to take each day.

Also, NuVET PLUS - the best bullie vitamin-supplement in the USA and Canada....
CALL here, not sold in stores:
1-800-474-7044  ( tell them PET Nurse Marie peppers from the Bulldog's site, sent you)
see my bulldog page:

With some good supplements, you may see results in less than 3 weeks.
Also, start walking her outside and giving her a little exerise ( even a 5 minute walk) - will be very good for her heart health.

BEST of luck guys!

Marie Peppers LPN MA