Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > bulldog smell and allergy; probiotics for bulldogs; yeast in bulldogs;

bulldog smell and allergy; probiotics for bulldogs; yeast in bulldogs;

19 16:15:33

Hi Maria,
I have two English bulldogs.  One male and one female.  I got my female from Russia and she is 1.5 years old.  She has a horrible smell, and it doesn't matter if  I bathe her.  My boy doesn't have this smell.  she eats Natural Balance Salmon and sweet potato dog food and I mix a little California Natural chicken and rice can in with it for dinner.  She is a nervous bull as well and scratches a lot.  any suggestions would be great!  

Hello Elizabeth, Yes, I would love to help you and your bullie dog girl.
I bet she has an over-growth of yeast and environmental allergies...
I get his question often with english bulldogs...
see here:

Two products that I would like you to try.... Low cost and Natural, too!  Oh, your food choices are fine, so I would Not change anything.

1.  Give your Gal some Acidophilus 1 billion CFUs - give 1 per day for 60 days.  
After that, give 1 evey other day - for a few more months.
This will get rid of the over growth of yeast in the blood and intestines.  
( I have a good idea that is what has cause the smell)  This is all related to allergies.
Acidophilus can be found at most health food stores.
YOU will find acidophalus is the Human Vitamins section of the store.

2.  Your dog needs to try some NuVET Plus - this is a Skin healer and Immune system Blaster.... NuVET will also help to re-build a Weak immune system.  Yeast is often from a weak system.
NuVET will take away the itchies, too!

NuVET needs to be purchased on line or by phone:
Tell them you want to take the 60 day challenge -  Take (1 1/2) wafers per day for 60 days - after that, you baby can go down to just 1 wafer per day.....LONG Term please.

Good for legs, hips, joints , skin and many other body systems.  Great to help get rid of year infections and allergies.
Call 1-800-474-7044 TELL them Marie sent you from All Experts and "ASK the Pet Nurse".
Give order code 81098 and ask for the 15 % off Discount.

You can also see NuVET here:
My bullie dog web site:

Marie Peppers LPN