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bulldog with urinary infections; UTI canine; cranberry canine dosage;

19 16:08:07

I have a 9 month old english bulldog, she is in her 1st heat cycle and has been for about 9 days now. I think she might have a UTI, but with this being her 1st cycle i'm not too sure. She has been taking alot longer to urinate and has been going in the house in front of us. Her private parts are swollen to twice the size as normal, but again I don't know if its because she's in heat or has a UTI. She has been eating and drinking normally, but has been acting a little more lethargic than usual.


Bulldogs love NuVET
NuVet Plus for Urinary infections ; Natural Pet care;  Herbs for pets;
NuVet Plus pet supplements;  Cranberry for canines;  Revival Animal Health
Hi Miki, It may just be the Heat Cycle that is causing her the slow urination.  
At this time there will be much swelling in the vaginal area.  

I would keep an eye on her urination and watch for changes in urine odor.  Call your Vet if you notice pain upon urination.

PLEASE start her on Long term Supplements to protect her from Urinary infections.
So many bulldogs do have UTI problems...  It's worth having a good supplement to fight off ear infections and other chronic infections .

1.  Cranberry;  Doc Roy's is very good:
at Revival Animal Health  ( NOT in stores - order from Revival )

2.   A must :  NuVet Pet supplement-
Here is my bulldog site:   This is excellent!  I have 1000s of bulldog clients taking 1 NuVET wafer treat per day:  
SEE my bullie vitamin/supplement page here:

Miki, the heat cycle can last about 22 days.  There should be about 12 days of bleeding.  If the bleeding gets very heavy please call the Vet.

HOPE this helps.

BEST wishes and Happy New Year!

Marie Peppers

ASK the Pet Nurse
Bulldog expert