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flower-like growth / bulldog virus / bulldog warts/ pet nurse marie

19 16:18:07


First of all, I would like to say we have been reading Q&As from you and they are great and helpful.  We adopted Brutus, our 6mo old bulldog, from a breeder and he seems to have developed some type of flowering growth from his lower gums.  He is really cute, but I don't know if we should be concerned over that growth as everyone asks what that is.  As far as what we feed him, it is Royal Canin bulldog puppy food and he is not on any meds...should he be?

Hi Joe - I am glad to be of help to you and your Brutus......
Love the photo...LOOKS so serious.
I wonder if the growth you mentioned is the herpes virus for dog?

Canine Oral Papilloma Virus

This can run it's course and go away in a month or two.  Sometimes you will need VET help with this.  If the area doesn't go away on it's own, the vet can surgically remove it.
This is common in this breed.

I would slowly change over his dog food to Wellness puppy food or Innova Puppy Food..... Do a 50/50 mix of the old food and the new food for 3 weeks.  AFTER that, go to 100 % of the new food.

Also - Please get your bullie boy onto some NuVET Wafers...JUST 1 per day is all he needs... NuVET is a skin healer and immune system booster/ over all wonderful vitamin & supplement.
I mention this to most of my Bullie clients.
1000s of Bullies take NuVET and NOT Pet Tabs... The vet sells some JUNK call Pet Tabs, full of sugars..
NUVET is the Number one Pet Supplement in the USA
Call 1-800-474-7044 ( mention Marie Peppers as your pet professional and give code 81098 - ASK about the 15 % OFF.)

So, new food and vitamins...SEE a VET if the wart/virus doesn't go away in 30 days...
BEST wishes with your little one!!!

Marie Peppers LPN MA
ASK the Pet Nurse
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