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ebd behavior

19 16:21:32

QUESTION: We just purchased an 11 mo. old EB two weeks ago. She was allowed on furniture and generally spoiled with people food,etc. The first week was great. She settled in quite comfortably with us and our 11 yr old Bassett Hound. We were consistent about not jumping on furniture and feeding her correctly. Week 2 has been a disaster, she is testing us in every way. She is humping anything standing still and jumping on the furniture, etc. Can we win this battle through consistency?

ANSWER: The honeymoon is definitely over. You need to stick to your guns and don't cut her any slack at all. This isn't a losing battle.  However, I suggest you get her spayed, yesterday. If she's already spayed, I don't understand the behavior unless it's some type of territorial response to changing homes.

It may take a few more weeks but this sounds like a situation that can be worked out.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Our new dog is also snarling at us when we go to remove her from furniture. She hasn't bitten me, but her intentions don't seem benevolent. She is so sweet 90% of the time; it seems as if she is a different dog when chastized. She is to be spayed next Tuesday.

You can't show fear even if you think you're going to get bitten. When she snarls at you, snatch her right off the couch onto the floor on her back in the blink of an eye and hold her there with a resounding "NO!"  Then walk away. She may put up a fight at first, but don't give in.