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My bully

19 16:18:41


My Sumo
Hey Maria, I have a 2 year old English bulldog that is my heart, I've had him since he was 6 weeks old and well of course you know they are like our kids. a year ago he started loosing his hair on his back and underneath his neck and it looks scally he really doesnt scratch and I've taken him to the vet plenty of times. 1st they said he was allergic to his food so we switched it about 5 times it didnt help then they said hes allergic to pollin and gave him fatty acids, steroids and some other stuff, well it didnt work so now i think its an allergy to an insect bite, but I dont know the vet says hes healthy. He eats plays just like my other dog but his skin looks horrible ive tried the skin so soft and nothing seems to work please help if you can

Wow Jenifer, POOR little Sumo!
Yes, he could be allergic to environmental allergens such as dust, trees, pollens, molds, carpet, ..... ( even cats)???/
Many things in your household can set off your pal.

Yes, he could be allergic to a flea bite, spider bite?  Who knows... It soulds like the vets are puzzled about this boy.

We can try a few Natural Options to help:
Here is what I would do:  My advice:

I would like to see you put him on a long term Probiotic...
give 3 per day for the first 10 days and then 1 per day - at least 3-4 months....VERY safe:
I sure do like Nature's Sunshine Products - here is what he needs:
Probiotic 11

Next, something to detoxify his system:  

Give just 1 per day - for 2 months....( you may need to do this long term:  VERY safe to take - good for him.

I sure would like to see him on the NuVET Plus - they give a 60 day money back guarantee....
Skin and Coat healer But ALLERGY blaster - Fight off what is hitting this boy with the NuVET Plus Wafers-
He will need 2 per day / long term.... After 30 days you can put him down to just 1 per day..... This is wonderful and I have seen such GREAT results with this program.
Here is how to try it:

Here is the ordering link:  
Write my name down as your "Pet Nutritionist" - Marie Peppers
Rep # 81098

NuVET offers a 15% OFF Discount program called Auto-ship /

You can cancel auto ship anytime - no contracts to sign...
Worth getting the 15% off -

Most people order every 60 to 90 days with the Auto ship program.

***********  Keep the bug away **************

Also, For insect bites and fleas????

Make a Natural and safe flea and tick spray :
here is a recipe:

EASY and low cost to make :

Make Bandit's Flea Buster Spray*****

Bandit's Flea Buster Spray: 8 Oz Water, 4-6 Drops of Tea Tree Oil, 4-
6 Drops of Lavender Oil. Keep in the refrigerator, shake well before
using and spray lightly, do not soak the coat.

Nature's Sunshine does sell a great tea tree oil and lavender oil...
here are the links to the oils:

Tea tree

Any other questions..... Just ask

Marie Peppers LPN MA

ask the pet nurse