Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > Small Acne like Bump english bulldog; english bulldog rash;

Small Acne like Bump english bulldog; english bulldog rash;

19 16:16:28

QUESTION: Hi I have an 8 month english bulldog that appears to have a small acne like bump on the top of his head with hair loss on the are and does occasionally likes to scratch around the neck area and ear sometimes. I feed him California natural puppy dry formula,any help would be gladly appreciated. Thank you

Winston loves NuVET wafers
Winston loves NuVET wa  
ANSWER: Hi - next time you see the vet show him/her the area in question...
It may just be an allergy to a bug bite or even environmental allergens...
Here are some suggestions..

1.  give some vitamin E ( 1 ) of a 50 IU - just 1 per day for 3 weeks - this is a very small CAT dosage and it is natural..
( the Vit E for humans at 50 IU per capsule - hide in some WET food or cheese)

2.  bullies love Nuvet vitamin wafers / JUST 1 per day will help the skin, coat, legs, hips and joints.... Bullies are prone to skin and coat problems and Allergies.
Call and order  at :  1-800-474-7044
Tell them Marie the pet Nurse sent you .... Ask for the NuVET Plus wafers -  IF you go on autoship you can get 15% OFF of every bottle..

3.  If you notice more scratching - give a nice bath in a TEA Tree oil shampoo/  Hot spot tea tree oil by NuVET -  GREAT product - use 2-3 x per month.  ( for in-between baths use some baby wipes - unscented...)

BEST wishes !
Try the NuVET - they give a 60 day MONEY back guarantee...

Marie Peppers LPN MA

see my frenchies and english bullies:

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the response I feed him California Natural chicken & rice dry puppy formula and I do give him ester c vitamins 500mg a couple times a week and sometimes a hard boiled egg once a week and just started giving some cottage cheese a couple times a week. I was also wondering at this age of 8 months can I start giving him grain free food? also what is the highest percentage of protein that I can give him? cause most grain free are pretty high in percentage or should I wait till he is a year to give the grain free w/the higher percentage? all responses are gladly appreciated

Hi - If your bullie is doing fairly well with Calif Natural Dog food then continue it for another 3-4 months.  You can alway add some SoJo grain free feeding with the Green BAG Mix- YOU add your own fresh and lightly cooked meats...
YOU can do the Calif Natural in the AM and then feed some SoJo grain free in the PM... Do white meats to control the protein.  You can also serve 3 eggs per week and 3 cups of low fat cottage cheese per week.  ( as you know, not all in one day - this is for a week)  -

Here is the SoJo link - this is the best grain free feeding because YOU control the protein.... you get to choose what you cook.
YOU can make up 4 days in advance - easy!!!!!
FREE shipping with this link:

SoJo is sold all over the world in many pet stores, too!

The Vit C - you can give this daily - it comes out in his urine and you can't overdose on this .  The ESTER C is easy on the belly.

I would not go 100% all grain free unless he needs it - Try the NuVET program for his bumps and allergies.... It may do the trick as it helps food OR environmental allergies.

KEEP me posted
Marie Peppers