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can bulldogs mix well with other dogs?

19 16:21:51

hi, we have just bought a British bulldog (it's only 4 weeks not got it yet), but me and my husband are out for long days (just for 2 days a week) do  bulldogs need company? or are they ok on their own? it want be locked UP, it has it's own room and the run of the garden.

PS, SORRY!!! when we bought it the owners said both of the parents are registers but dad is KC and mum is NC, she is been bred to cut out the heart problems in these type of dogs, is this true? thank you for all our help.  

Bulldog puppies need company but they need supervision as well. If you're gone just 2 days a week, see if someone can puppy sit for you or perhaps take the puppy to a doggie daycare while you're out. Don't leave him unattended at home especially if he can get into the garden.

No, there is no truth to what the owner's of your puppy's parents are telling you. If you want to breed out health problems, you don't breed dogs from two different registries to do it. This is strictly economics. They got the cheapest dogs in order to produce puppies. I strongly suggest you get a written health guarantee with your puppy.