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Bumps on Face & Body

19 16:21:50

My 2 1/2 year old bulldog has always had the bumps on his face.  The vet said it was allergies and gave us medication which worked while he was on it.  Once the medication was gone, the bumps would come back.  Just recently, the bumps started to spread to his whole body.  They are bleeding as well.  I think that's from him scratching it.  Then last night he started to have muscle spasms while he was awake.  Any idea what can cause all of this?  We're trying to get him into the vet today, but right now they seem booked up.
Thank you,

This sounds like some type of allergic reaction, something he's exposed to that is causing this. It could be anything, carpet cleaner, detergent, lawn care products, or something he's eating, perhaps peanut oil or red dye in his food.

I would suggest doing blood work first to rule out the big possibilities and then perhaps allergy testing if nothing shows up in the blood.