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being in a crate english bulldog

19 16:20:13

QUESTION: Hello, My boyfriend and I recently purchased an english bulldog. When we got him he was 10 weeks old, this week he will be 14 weeks. My problem is we can't seem to get him fully potty trained. How long will it take for him to be completely potty trained. Like for instance, My b/f insisnted that when we got the dog, that he wanted him to sleep with us in bed. He has urinated 2 times in our bed, and sometimes on the carpet throughout the house. Will he ever be completely trained

ANSWER: Misty, give this baby some time.  He is only 14 weeks old.  He can't hold his urine all night long.  He souldn't be in your bed as of yet.
He should be in a crate or in the kitchen at night.  Also, put some newspaper or potty pads down at night.

I suggest you read up on potty training.  It could take up to 6-8 months for him to not have any accidents.
Just give it time.

Have Fun!!!

Marie Peppers

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello, I have yet another question..We have purchased a crate for our bulldog. When we got him he was 10 weeks old. Now he is 15 weeks old. I have a job, where I am off during the summer. When I go back to work in a couple of weeks, he will be 18 weeks old. I have been putting him in the crate for about 5 or 6 weeks now, and I have gradually been upping the time in the crate...I started out with about a half an hour at a time, and now I am up to 3 hours at a time. My problem is, that when I put him in it, he is usually fine the first 15 or 20 minutes, but then after that he cries and whines the rest of the time..I feel bad about it and want to run in and get him out, but I know I can't to that because he has to get used to it when I go back to work..Will he ever get used to it so he won't whine and cry anymore???

Misty:  This  Bullie is trying to train YOU... Don't give in.  You are doing a great job with this crate training.
When he starts doing the whines, put a small sheet over him.  Cover the front of the cage " like you would cover a bird".
It works!  Try it.

Good luck!


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